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Authoritative Minesweeper

Minesweeper best times, tips, downloads, cheats and world records. Learn how to play and improve game strategy, or watch videos and download free minesweeper games.

This site has moved to MINESWEEPERGAME.COM.

Minesweeper Community

Welcome to the minesweeper community! You can post scores in the Guestbook, discuss minesweeper in the Forum or chat with us online.

If you want to learn minesweeper strategy or anything about the history of the game, visit the MinesweeperWiki. Did you know you can win a million dollars solving minesweeper efficiently?

Minesweeper Rankings

Can you win all three levels? Then you are good enough to Join the rankings!

There is no time limit for Country Rankings, but the professionals on the World Ranking can solve all levels in less than 100 seconds. Download a version of minesweeper that saves games on video, and upload your videos to the rankings:

Arbiter The most advanced game with hundreds of options, graphs and video features
MSX The easiest version to use, just download and start playing
VSweeper Fast version, used for international tournaments

See the ranking rules for more information.

Fun Minesweeper Games

Super Minesweeper - Over 100 boards, 7 modes, special effects and sounds (shareware).
Mine3D - Play minesweeper in 3D with sound and special effects (shareware).

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