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Moscow 2007 Minesweeper Tournament Results

Rank Player I E Sum TOTAL (5&5)
1 Roman Gammel 13.93 50.70 64.63 346.27
2 Arsen Balishyan 17.79 63.02 80.81 420.39
3 Stanislav Derechennik 20.12 61.11 81.23 425.64
4 Sergey Kufaev 20.72 61.35 82.07 435.92
5 Evgeniy Semyonushkin 20.79 64.06 84.85 438.87
6 Sergey Pastukhov 19.72 60.68 80.40 446.47
7 Pavel Mishin 18.73 64.34 83.07 447.89
8 Evgeniy Azargaev 20.82 64.56 85.38 449.43
9 Anton Rymashevskij 24.09 71.13 85.22 494.61
10 Anatoliy Lebedev 16.76 73.18 89.94 498.91
11 Max Ponomaryev 22.30 70.10 92.40 500.27
12 Konstantin Forofontov 23.65 76.43 100.08 521.45
13 Alexander Perevoschikov 24.33 75.08 99.41 522.31
14 Vladimir Orlov 20.86 79.58 100.44 529.46
15 Arseniy Zorin 24.88 78.24 103.12 552.35
16 Alexander Azargaev 23.70 82.19 105.89 553.58
17 Julia Roizner 24.56 81.49 106.05 577.57
18 Kirill Pavlov 30.53 78.90 109.43 584.89
19 Georgiy Kotov 24.82 83.88 108.70 589.72
20 Anna Pavlova 27.83 96.57 124.40 690.97
21 Dmitriy Shuvaev 27.24 102.52 129.76 698.00
22 Boris Gvozdev 55.57 217.54 273.11 1600.45


You can download all tournament videos here (12MB).


Players will be ranked on the sum of their best 5 Intermediate and 5 Expert games. Each unfinished game will be given a penalty of 999 seconds.


The tournament was organised by Roman Gammel and took place on 1st December 2007 at a computer club in Moscow (Flashback 1) and another club in Novosibirsk (Patriot Traffic). Videos from both locations were uploaded automatically to the internet and a live tournament ranking was broadcast calculated on the results. The program was written by one of the participants, Sergey Pastukhov. The competition started at 1200 (Moscow time) and players had 3 hours to achieve their scores.

More Info

The tournament used the minesweeper version Clone 2007.

The official website of the tournament (in Russian) is here.


Players at the Bowling after the Competition:
(Back 8) Alexander Azargaev, Arseniy Zorin, Evgeniy Semyonushkin, Dmitriy Shuvaev, Alexander Perevoschikov, Georgiy Kotov, Vladimir Orlov, Roman Gammel
(Front 6) Max Ponomaryev, Julia Roizner, Sergey Pastukhov, Arsen Balishyan, Pavel Mishin and a stranger

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